Wednesday, October 04, 2006

The sun shines.

Have you heard the name 'Rick Spleen'?..No?..well you will. Today I am him. I hear the old phrase:"be sure your sins will find you out". Whilst I was 'drunk' on self pity it seems that I forgot some people do actually read this stuff. So to my absolute shame I have to hold my hands out and say sorry for being a total twat of a man. ( see comments posted for more info!)

The sun did rise today and things often look better beyond the darkness of night. I drove into town to buy some watercolour paper and sketch books for my morning at Arboretum house. I met with Chris the Manager..she was a lovely caring woman who seemed to be doing three peoples jobs at once.

So it was I sat with some of the residents chatting and sketching. I felt in awe as I was given insights into some of the wonderful things they had seen and done in their longer than my life times. The sun shone through the windows, pigeons gazed in from the rooftops, and my milky coffee was like the nectar of the gods!

I have returned to my picture today..I have had new heart feels better.