Saturday, September 01, 2007

TLIR 35 hrs

I seem to be spending less time each day working at the moment. This should change next week when the children go back to school (Tuesday)..I'll be able to drop into some sort or routine then. today (apart from listening to my football team Derby County lose to a bunch of amateurs called Liverpool 6 - 0!!) I set about refining the bicycle and putting in some more 'street furniture'..the hardest part is yet to come as I attempt to recreate the dappled shadows on the ground..I think I might leave this till last.


Tys on Ice said...

wow, its really shapping up from the last visit ...whts the size of the canvas ? its beautiful...

Niall young said...

TyS...Hi!..glad you have been able to come back..I value all comments and as I've said before..what visitors say, shapes what i do!

The picture is on water colour paper which gives a good absorbency for the is acid free so will not discolour over time.The actual size of the composition is 27 X 16 not that big.The size of each dot is 0.25 mm !

Tys on Ice said...

thnks for answering...just one word : Awesome!!!!!