Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Cello - 55

Here's the first update using my new camera.It's going to take a while before I fully understand all the functions.Something I'll enjoy! You know, I have a essence I'm an incredibly serious minded man who finds deep significance in making visual statements. ...however, i'm also a very humerous person and as I've so often noted, I use humour as a shield...I always used to at school where being the class clown helped me evade most of the bullys..(only most of them..the rest were evil incarnate as I remember!) So when I include a self portrait shown my cute little butt, the response will I imagine is more likely to be ridicule.There is a serious point to make...more of that later.


johann said...

Niall...go dark...dont be afraid to go solidly dark in places (your drawing I mean!) It needs some contrast and drama.
Concept is sound... you are brave...goodo!

Niall young said...

Johann...thank you for the comment. You are right..However the lack of contrast is in part due to my ability or inabillity as a photographer...I'm experimenting with the controls on the camera and the software it's dowenloaded onto...the original by the way is a lot darker...